Next week's meeting will be our last meeting before the release of HALO 4!! This is a reminder for all members to show up as we will be discussing changes that will be made to the clan, and playlist specific teams after halo 4's launch. We will also sort out who is doing what during the first week of halo 4 so members can team up for campaign or jump right into multiplayer as a team! ALL MEMBERS should attend this meeting. See you in the chaos!                                                                                                                        - roni123
   This weeks meeting was a hit, nearly a full lobby showed up today and enjoyed some custom games afterwards. The discussions of our meeting are as follows:
   - A new tier of ranks has been added which will be known as the "chaos member" ranks. These new ranks are only obtainable if a mythic member recruits 5 people.  You can find out more about these ranks on the "about us" page after we update the ranks.
   - We are now keeping better track of peoples recruits. Basically if you recruit someone you must let us know at the meeting, we will follow up by messaging the individual you claim to have recruited to confirm that you have actually recruited that individual. Starting this week all recruits will be logged and when you reach 5 you will be informed and possibly promoted.
   - Some teams need to be refreshed! We have inactive members on starting lineups and leaders that do not organize anything. What does this mean? Well for anybody looking to be a team leader you can apply by messaging one of our leaders and on a set date we will interview each person who applied and pick the most appropriate leaders for each team. You will find out all the responsibilities of a team leader on the "rules" page which will be added asap.

   That pretty well sums up our weekly meeting, if anybody has any suggestions regarding the events of this meeting you can leave a comment or send a message to one of our leaders. See you in the chaos!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - roni123
Bit of a short notice, but is anybody interested in achievement hunting tonight? If so be online this evening around 7:00PM GMT. A set date will be scheduled this Sunday at the next meeting so if you miss tonight, you will know when the next gaming session will always be.
Halotracker along with the charity Child's play are organizing a bunch of online tournaments to raise money for child's play its pretty cheap to enter and of course its for a great cause so please check it out.
   Events and meetings falls under the category of "news" so all meetings will now be posted here on the news page.
   Our clan meeting was a great success today when compared to past meetings and events. Many members showed up and were rewarded for their dedication with promotions. For those of you who missed the meeting I'll make a few quick points to summarize what was discussed (all points will be elaborated afterwards).

   - Members can be promoted simply by showing up to meetings now instead of recruiting people.
   - Even if you recruit people and are actively playing with the clan, promotions are ONLY given out once a week.
   - Members can no longer recruit people.
   - New rank being added.
   - Weekly campaign/achievement hunting night being added.
   - Meetings will take place once a week from now on.
   - More events to come following the release of Halo 4

Recruiting and ranks

   As stated above members can no longer "recruit" people to join the clan. This is because honest mistakes can (and were) made with the recruiting process and we would like to prevent this from happening again. From now on recruiting is going to be known as "referring". So when you find someone who wants to join the clan simply get them to message one of our staff saying they would like to join the clan and who it was that referred them. Referring does the exact same thing as recruiting people did with regards to ranking up. This allows us to better keep track of who is in our clan, and exactly how many people a member has referred for promotion purposes.

   On the topic of ranks, members will not be promoted until they show up to a meeting. Anybody who is a new recruit has to show up to their first meeting to be initiated as a member. Anybody who is already a member (being almost everybody) must show up to a meeting to get a promotion. This allows us to update ranks and promotions on the site on a weekly basis instead of getting online at random days throughout the week. Some of you may be wondering, "why refer when I will get promoted anyways?". Well this has already been thought over and referring people causes you to rank up faster. With the referral system we will be able to keep track of exactly how many people each member has referred. At the weekly meeting if a member has enough referrals they will be promoted early, or even get promoted twice!

   Some members of our clan have already achieved the rank of "Mythic" by remaining in the clan for an extended period of time. So it's been decided that a new rank will be added into our ranking system! The name of the rank and the emblem to match it hasn't been decided upon as of yet. Over the course of the next few days we are going to allow members of the clan to try and come up with a new emblem! The emblem must be related to our current emblem scheme, and the name must be considered above mythic and tie into the clans naming scheme (so nothing like "king" or "warrior"). Whoever comes up with the best emblem and/or name will be given a promotion at the next meeting. With that being said I already have an idea in mind for the rank, but if someone can do better I will gladly use their ideas.

Weekly campaign/Achievement hunting sessions

   We asked around at the meeting today, and it seems there is a lot of interest in playing the campaign, and going for achievements. So we decided that once a week a gaming session dedicated to those achievement hunters and campaign lovers will be hosted by The Order Of Chaos! This gaming session isn't tied down to just halo reach however. Once we acquire a lobby of players, everyone will discuss what achievements they want, and in what halo game(s). Then players can team up and head into the game of their choice with other players who need related achievements. This allows anybody with interest in campaign running to quickly and easily get a team together, instead of looking for friends to get online and asking random players. This is also a great opportunity for those non-competitive players who are just looking for some halo fun.

Events and meetings

   After the success of today's meeting, we have decided that we will have a clan meeting for all members every Sunday evening. This is the day for promotions if anybody is qualified for one. As well, if you have any friends who want to see what The Order Of Chaos is all about, invite them along. At the meeting players can voice their opinions and are given the opportunity to make suggestions on clan related activities. After each and every meeting we will be playing loads of custom games! So if you have any cool maps you want to show off this is your opportunity!

   Some people have been asking about another forge competition or clan tournament. There will be no major competitions or tournaments until shortly after the release of halo 4.  After halo 4's release we plan on entering some team competitions, so be prepared for practice games and training if you plan on signing up for up for a team! The teams we have will be wiped and players will have to reapply once we update the clan for halo4. Players will have to be a certain rank to enter ANY clan competition/team to ensure that the players are dedicated and will show up/participate in games and tournaments.

What should i do?

   Anybody who has read this must be interested in the clan. So I would like to encourage all members to continue "referring" players to our clan, and show up to all our meetings. See you in the chaos!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - roni123
The Agency Clan is hosting a 2v2 Tournament in Halo Reach this Saturday, October 6, at 3:00PM Eastern Time.  This could be an opportunity to prove ourselves as formidable opponents on Reach we can enter as many teams as we want so if you are interested please leave a reply to this post with your name and preferred team mate if you have one.  
For More information and to register, go here. 

Alright guys, were gonna call off the 1v1 tournament altogether. People haven't been online enough to meet and compete with their matches.  It's impossible for any of our staff to stay online all the time to wait for matches to get online and run the games. Everybody who wanted to participate was told what their responsibility was by joining and it's a bit of a disappointment so many people failed them.

However, halo 4 is only around the corner! So hopefully most of you guys stick around and keep "TOOC Halo" as a friend. Were gonna do a clan cleanup within a week or 2 of halo 4's launch to eliminate those who don't want to participate.

On a related note we are going to take the pressure off our members. Halo Reach has become obsolete and a lot of people are getting sick of it, this is understandable. We will still have games on halo reach but we will not be having any more organized meetings or tournaments within the clan until halo after halo 4 is released and the majority of or members have the game. 

Hopefully whoever sees this can pass the message on and just let everyone know 
With more members joining the clan it's hard to have a private page for each and every member. So the members page is being updated and there will be 1 page displaying all the mmebers and one page displaying all the staff. We may upgrade player showcases depending on rank, however the upgrade has to be made first. Please bear with us, and thank you for your patience.
Thats right, an objective team has been added to our teams list. The team is empty as of now so if anybody is interested in trying out you can message one of our leaders on xbox live or visit the Contact Us page. We also need a leader for this team so the person with the greatest leadership skill that tries out will be given the option to lead the team.